Landing Page Design

1/ Use a motif

The #1 way to make a landing page look coherent and polished (besides the obvious – consistency, use the same font, color scheme, etc) is to use a motif: a repeating visual element that appears repeatedly, but with slight variations.

Here, we used the “organic lines + circle” motif from the logo wherever possible:

Before and after

Logos are (in my opinion) the best place to get a motif from. Why? Because any visual concept that appears in your logo should be central to your brand – and repeating it throughout the site will make a ton of sense.

2/ Layer your effects

Landing pages are often flashier than the (generally more utilitarian) products they sell. And fine, I don’t want to read 150pt titles every time I e.g. create an invoice 🤷‍♂️

As a beginning designer, I didn’t realize how much power was in layering simple effects to make the design pop.

For instance, the header idea we used was basically a gradient + blurred shapes + a radial gradient mask.

No one step is complex, but in combination, it’s pretty slick!

Layering effects

3/ Generate more good ideas than you can use

A few folks at the webinar remarked on how good it was to see some real process – which is a nice euphemism, since “process” is all we had time for (the result is far from finished) 😉

Generate more ideas

Despite the slow progress, I was extremely excited by all of the different ideas we were coming up with:

Good inputs + rapid iteration/improvement = great output. It’s only a matter of time.

By the way, notice how basically ALL of this brainstorming was made quicker/easier by resources from Learn UI Design?