This is an h1 heading
This is an h2 heading
This is an h3 heading
This is an h4 heading
This is an h5 heading
This is an h6 heading
This is Box 2
The layout uses grid
The body typeface Montserrat Extra Light from Font Library. The base size set in the body is 20px.
The heading font is Libre-Bodoni
Not very revolutionary. Could try a reset file for this proj. This would include:
- box-sizing: border-box;
- text-decoration: none;
- list-style-type: none;
- ul and maybe ol have margins and paddings set to 0.
Question: How do we set the fonts so the bold version is invoked when using font-weight: bold; in the CSS?
Answer: not required w Google fonts. Set manually with font library.
Menu!! Tried to get it to slide from L instead of the R. Whadupp?
Check Wes Bos's actual Codepen code.